Red Lanterns (by Peter Milligan), starring the rage-driven Atrocitus as some mix of Anti-Hero, Anti-Villain, Villain Protagonist, and so on.Green Lantern: New Guardians (by Tony Bedard), starring Kyle Rayner on the run from the GLC as he leads a team drawn from all seven corps.Green Lantern Corps (by Peter Tomasi), starring John Stewart and Guy Gardner and focusing on traditional space adventures.Although Hal had been expelled from the Corps, Sinestro has recruited him as a sidekick for non-Guardian-sponsored missions - including going against the Guardians themselves. Green Lantern (written by Johns), starring Hal Jordan and Sinestro, who was re-inducted into the Green Lanterns against everyone's wishes.The franchise is currently helmed by Geoff Johns, who spearheaded Jordan's return and developed the emotional spectrum. Later developments would merge the Jordan and Rayner eras, have the Guardians descend further into Knight Templar-hood, and introduce the rest of the spectrum and their corresponding Lantern Corps, such as Agent Orange or the Sinestro Corps. Furthermore, Parallax was blamed as the source of Green Lantern's infamous weakness towards yellow, by revealing that emotions of fear are attuned to the color yellow, as per a pseudo-mystical "emotional color spectrum" shared by all living creatures, with "green" attuned to the neutral emotion of "willpower". In the mid-2000s, DC Comics would return Hal Jordan to his former glory, by explaining that "Parallax" was actually the name of an imprisoned cosmic parasite that fed on fear and corrupted Jordan through his Power Ring.Unfortunately, the new status quo overrode the old supporting cast, driving a wedge between Hal Jordan fans and Kyle Rayner fans. After Parallax obliterated the entire Green Lantern Corps, a single new replacement was chosen in geeky graphic artist Kyle Rayner, who brought in a whole new generation of readers with his nerd-chic attitude and more imaginative use of his Green Lantern powers. In the mid-'90s, Hal Jordan became a supervillain called "Parallax" due to witnessing the destruction of his hometown, Coast City.Although its activism seems outdated from a recent perspective, at the time it was groundbreaking to tackle such subjects in a superhero comic. Notably, it featured Hal Jordan facing his ignorance about the plight of African-American oppression, and helping Green Arrow cope with his young sidekick becoming a drug addict.
Black green lantern series#
In the '70s, Green Lantern shared his title with fellow DC Comics hero Green Arrow for a more socially-aware series that dealt with realistic topics.Over the years, the Green Lantern title would gain infamy for being taken in a few controversial directions: Alan Scott would also return, first as an Earth-2 counterpart to Hal, then after continuities got merged in the Crisis on Infinite Earths he became a respected elder hero with only the loosest connection to the Corps. Marine John Stewart or lovable jerk Guy Gardner. Occasionally, Jordan would pass his ring off to other humans, like stoic architect and former U.S. What most people know of the character originated during this era: the villainous Lantern renegade Sinestro, the living planet Mogo, alien drill instructor Kilowog, and aerospace entrepreneur/love interest Carol Ferris. However, in the late 1950s DC Comics revamped the title with a sci-fi bent, re-imagining the hero as cocky test pilot turned space cop Hal Jordan, who was given a Power Ring by a dying alien who crash landed on Earth (and was just one of many extraterrestrial peacekeepers serving the wise Guardians of the Universe). Oh, and it can't work on the color yellow (usually).Ĭreated in 1940, the original Green Lantern was a railroad engineer named Alan Scott, who fashioned his ring and lantern out of a magic metal called the Starheart. All this is provided by a quasi-technological Power Ring, that must be recharged every 24 hours with a lantern-esque Power Battery. In addition, he can fire energy blasts, fly in deep space, generate force fields, and translate (almost) any alien language. Compared to other heroes, Green Lantern has the unique ability to create objects out of solid green light, whose forms are limited only by the character's imagination. Green Lantern is a classic DC Comics Superhero and one of the first to embrace the concept of a Legacy Character.